photo featuring @nekiva and @juliannajones
Our Petal Projections Mission:
To create an all-inclusive space that re-sparks what it's like
to braid hair in a train at recess time, or
to paint your nails before you learned how.
To release our candy-stained tongues from our mouths, and
to show the world the art we eat in secret as guilty pleasure.
To absorb community tales like fresh dish sponges.
To lull yourself independently
To cherish diversity without limiting voices to identity artistry.
To welcome the daily artistry.
To write in diaries with locks and hide the keys like buried treasure.
To draw treasure maps.
To feel the dirt under our nails when we're ready for adventure.
To share how far we've come.
To nurture our community gardens.
To congratulate our neighbours on their fruits
To teach each other how we've come to be here.
To hug our words before we share them with each other.
To embrace tightly the words that we are gifted.
To glow without shame.
To flourish in each others light beams.
To blow kisses and
to catch them in our fists.
To preserve them in our pockets,
to swoon with the memory all day.
To yearn excessively, yet responsibly.
To plant ourselves cross-legged in a circle.
To bloom together.